
J 203 Horizontal waterfalls 13 8 15 K Morgan 1280x961Find out why sharks are so unique with some incredible adaptations, why you should apprieciate them, and the threats they face. I will dispel some of the myths of man-eating monsters and why many other animals harm and kill far more people than sharks, including dogs!

Learn of my encounters with sharks, from the Basking Shark, to shark feeds in the Bahamans, to rubbing noses with a Blue Shark. I am also a founder member of the Shark Trust and worked with the artist Marc Dando to illustrate a range of sharks in SEALIFE: A COMPLETE GUIDE TO THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT. One important concept was to illustrate sharks from above (as they are often viewed in this way) and Marc went on to use this concept to illustrate SHARKS OF THE WORLD by Leonard Compagno, and one of the leading filed guides to sharks.